Fun Facts

Our Largest Single Order was 31,000 Chocolate Pizzas.

The order would have stretched for 4.9 miles. It left here on 9 fully loaded semi-trucks.

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If you laid end-to-end all the Chocolate Pizzas we make in a year, They would span the Grand Canyon.
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If we stacked all the chips we use in a year to make our Peanut Butter Wings,the stack would reach the cruising altitude of a jumbo jet.
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How much Chocolate do we use in a year?

In one year,Chocolate Pizza Company will use the equivalent of 11 Tyrannosaurus Rex Dinosaurs worth of Chocolate !

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We use the equivalent of 11 (yes, ELEVEN) T-Rex Dinosaurs of chocolate every year!
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The most exotic location we have ever received an online order is probably from Mauritius -an island in the Indian Ocean near Madagascar .
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Chocolate Pizza specialities have been ordered on our website by customers from 6 of the 7 continents. Only missing Antarctica
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Gourmet Chocolate is tempered to give it that shine,snap and smooth mouth-feel.During,manufacturing it must be held in a 2 degree range.
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