How do we manage to do it every year? It would be comical if it weren’t so stressful but here we are again just days away from Christmas with that shopping list unfinished. There’s procrastination and then there’s Christmas shopping which takes last minute tactics to another level. I mean, seriously, it’s not like it sneaks up on us and suddenly appears on the calendar – it’s been December 25th for a lot longer than any of us have been celebrating. But still, we manage to find ourselves hopelessly tardy in the gift-giving marathon of the holidays. Why are we last minute shoppers? Science can’t even hazard a guess, but one thing science has taught us is that the brain loves chocolate. Armed with that fact, we can now go boldly into the marketplace and finish that last minute dash to the Christmas finish line by browsing the chocolate Nirvana of Chocolate Pizza Company.

Chocolate – especially fine quality chocolate – is a gift that works for men or women, adults or children, home or work; there really isn’t any wrong way to give chocolate (except maybe hiding it in the garage where the family dog can discover it – that’s as no-no). Why give real chocolate as opposed to lower quality compound chocolate? Taste, texture, shine, snap are all legitimate responses, but it comes down to the overall experience the chocolate delivers. Real chocolate uses both cocoa powder and cocoa butter, usually in a combination called, chocolate liquor (no alcohol, just the name) to give high-end chocolate its exceptional mouth feel – it’s that “Mmmmm” moment. Compound chocolate also uses cocoa powder but instead of a high cocoa butter content it substitutes things like vegetable oil (mainly to save cost but also because it’s easier to work with than the temperamental cocoa butter). There is no hiding the difference in total chocolate experience between real and compound chocolate – quality needs no excuse; real chocolate runs away with the OMG moment.
Chocolate Pizza Company uses real chocolate and that is why it is so doggone delicious. Owner, Ryan Novak, knows that if you start with the best, you don’t have to worry about where you will end up. Which brings us back to last minute gift-buyers … yes, we’re talking to you. Procrastinating shoppers may not be on the gift-giving train early but they still don’t want to ride coach – when they do get around to shopping they want it to matter. Gourmet chocolate gives last minute stragglers the confidence to present their gifts with their pride knowing that unwrapping this confectionery gem will lead to the much-prized untranslatable sounds that most approximate pure joy, surprise and satisfaction. They’ll love this gift!
So, bring yourself to our Marcellus store or land yourself on the “Christmas” tab at and wander through its bounty of real chocolate offerings, content in the knowledge that there are no wrong choices here and that all of this chocolate bliss can still make it under the tree in time. It could be a Avalanche Wreath Chocolate Pizza or Peanut Butter Wings in a holiday tin or a Holiday Magic gift basket or any of dozens of other choices. They are all gift-giving home runs waiting for you to step up to the plate.
See, that wasn’t difficult at all. This holiday shopping madness is for the amateur while the veteran shopper doesn’t panic and doesn’t worry about how deep into December they have waited. No, it’s all good when you know the secret that chocolate – real chocolate – real chocolate from Chocolate Pizza Company – is the best gift idea for the holidays.