National Doctor’s Day is March 30th | surprise your favorite physician

There are over 1,500 national days on the calendar celebrating everything imaginable but National Doctor’s Day on March 30th this year is one we should make note of. It celebrates the skilled professionals whose expertise can literally mean the difference between life and death. Doctor’s Day gives us a chance to thank the healthcare professionals who often see us at our worst and lead us back to our best. National Doctor’s Day means across the country grateful people will remind their doctors that they are a special part of our lives. We think that is a national day worth sending a gourmet chocolate “Thank You” gift.

For many people, there are multiple doctors in their life. They have a primary care physician and often one or more specialists. We develop close relationships with our doctor. They are the keeper of our most personal information and are often one of our closest confidants. We trust them, rely on their judgment and value their advice. We lean on them when we are sick and appreciate their empathetic ear when we have concerns. Doctors occupy a unique position in our lives. They most often see us when things are wrong so it is nice to have an opportunity like National Doctor’s Day to communicate with them on the positive side.

National Doctor’s Day is particularly relevant to Chocolate Pizza Company because almost one year to the day will be the anniversary of open heart surgery owner, Ryan Novak’s dad had at St. Joseph’s hospital in Syracuse. Dr. Zhandong Zhou, M.D. was the surgeon who performed the 5-bypass operation that gave Ryan’s dad a new lease on life. While Dr. Zhou was just one of an entire team of healthcare professionals who made that surgery a success, it was his incredibly skilled hands that actually performed the delicate task and saved his life. How do you not thank that kind of blessing? The answer is, you do. These are extraordinary people with extraordinary gifts that give us a longer, healthier life to enjoy with those we love. That’s worth celebrating any day of the year.

But everyone has their own doctor story and that means everyone has a reason to thank someone on National Doctor’s Day. Gift baskets, Chocolate Pizza or a Combo all make perfect gift ideas for your favorite physician. We also have hand-decorated Chocolate Pizzas with “Thank You” scripted in white chocolate or we’ll customize your special message. The specific gift is never as important as the sentiment behind it so any gourmet chocolate specialty is a good choice. Take the time and surprise your doctor with chocolate this March 30th – they’ll love the chocolate but they’ll appreciate the thought even more.

National Doctor's Day Thank You

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